Information Technology lecturer Dr Suhaimi (Hymie) Latif brought his cultural background into his Graduate Diploma in Tertiary Education, which he recently completed through Capable NZ.

His Model of Practice was based on three Islamic concepts called Ta’lim, Tarbiyah and Ta’dib.

Ta’lim refers to the transmission of knowledge, Tarbiyah to human development, and Ta’dib to ethics and discipline.

Hymie says the three processes are interrelated and the holistic three-process model now guides his unique identity as an educator. 

During his qualification, Hymie reflected on his personal history and professional growth from an industry professional to an academic lecturer.

He says he’s grateful to the CapableNZ facilitator Jeremy Taylor, and assessors David McMaster and Heather Carpenter for their inspiring comments and feedback.

“David surprised me with his excellent pronunciation of a few Arabic terms presented in my portfolio.  Heather’s experience in assessment design is truly inspirational.”

“Terima Kasih (Thank you) to my facilitator Jeremy Taylor for his guidance and comments throughout my journey.”

Published on 18 Jul 2019

Orderdate: 18 Jul 2019
Expiry: 20 Oct 2020