This is the brainchild of Dr Ziming (Tom) Qi, Programme Manager and Research Coordinator for the School of Architecture, Building and Engineering, and it’s nearing realisation now.

A dream fulfilled


This is the brainchild of Dr Ziming (Tom) Qi, Programme Manager and Research Coordinator for the School of Architecture, Building and Engineering, and it’s nearing realisation now.

An ongoing collaboration with Taiwan National University of Science and Technology and China’s Shenzhen Polytechnic with Chinese Government funding, the ongoing project to develop a commercial electric car is also part of an overall programme overseen by Tom to lift the research profile of his department.

“The traditional car was designed using a centralised engine and steering,” Tom explains. “This model uses four in-wheel motors as well as all-wheel steering.  The wheels can be controlled to move sideways making parallel parking possible. You can also take a U-turn without taking any extra space. 

“It’s quite an exciting vision. The main research question was how can we automise the control of all the wheels at one time? It was quite a difficult task, but we did it,” he says.

An improved version of the car arrived recently from China and was reassembled with help from visiting Chinese technical staff. The car has unique advantages: it’s simpler in design, and even if one or three of its engines shuts down the last one will keep the car running. The design will also pave the way for cheaper cars in the future, Tom predicts.  

“Right now, the car is not that different to look at, but the School of Design will help us design a unique model here in our campus workshop.

“I would like to see this newly designed car running on the campus first, and then on public roads. I want this project to be more visible to the world. That is my dream,” he says. 


A dream fulfilled
