Scope: Contemporary Research Topics: Learning and Teaching (Sustainable Practice) aims to engage discussion on contemporary research in the field of sustainable practice (including resilience, sustainability science etc). It is concerned with views and critical debates surrounding issues of practice, theory, history and their relationships as manifested through the experiences of researchers and practitioners in sustainable practice. The focus of this issue will be “Transformation”. Contributors are be encouraged to explore positive actions in the challenge of the required restorative socio-ecological transformation. The Call for Papers closes on 29th June 2018.

What qualifies as a transformation?

We are looking for transformations that are seriously creative: they should be novel, perhaps even surprising, but also well-thought out and credible.

We prefer transformations that impact whole-systems. What do we mean by that? A system can be a community, a corporation, a government, or even the entire global environment. If you want to transform something, you need to look at these systems in their entirety and at several, nested scales, from local to global. Rather than focusing on a single link, look at the whole chain. When you start looking at the world this way, it becomes clear: everything is connected.

What are examples?

A transformation can be local, such as the development of a sustainable eco-village or eco-city. Or it can be grand and global, like the development of an atmospheric trust to cap and trade greenhouse gases.

It doesn’t have to solve all problems, but it should recognize what problems it can solve, and what others it might cause. Solutions should address the institutional and cultural changes that may be required. We welcome concrete goals, but we won’t shy away from efforts to think outside the system or transcend a paradigm.

How can I contribute?

There are several different ways you can contribute: 

  • Sustainable Practice- Feature Articles (2500-4000 words)
  • Transformations- Opinion piece or personal essay (1250-2500 words)
  • Making a Difference- Reportage on a successful solution being implemented at a specific location (1500-2500 words)
  • Sustainable Practice in History- An examination, exploration or study of a sustainablity issues within a historical context (1500-2500 words)
  • Envision- A description of what a future might look like (1500-2500 words)
  • Reviews- A book or other media review (200-300 words)
  • Photographs and Other Visuals- An illustration of Transformation in photographs, charts, illustrations, or other art.

What if I have a question?

Please have a look at the author guidelines which can be downloaded here.

Please contact Ray O'Brien.

How should I submit my contribution?

You can upload your contribution directly via this link. Please remember to take all if the identifying data off of the submission so that it can be blind peer reviewed. 


Published on 9 May 2018

Orderdate: 9 May 2018
Expiry: 30 Jun 2018