Over the last couple of weeks, you may have seen some media items about the Government’s latest review of vocational education and training (VET Review).   

The Government has released a proposed plan for what they feel the future of tertiary education in Aotearoa New Zealand should look like.   

Part of that plan is a six-week consultation period from 1 August – 12 September.   

All New Zealanders are allowed to have their say in this consultation and, if you feel like you would like to, we strongly encourage you to do so.   

What is the proposal?  

The proposal is split into three sections:   

  1. A redesigned Polytechnic (ITP) network 
  1. Two options for an industry-led system for standard setting and industry training (ITOs) 
  1. Changes to the funding system.   

You can find the full consultation document and a high-level summary of the three sections here 

How do I give feedback?  

The Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) and Ministry of Education (MoE) are leading this consultation.   

They are holding two open consultation sessions at the Otago Polytechnic Dunedin Campus on Monday 19 August, and you and your whānau are welcome to attend.    

Register for the sessions here > 

Session 1  

Monday 19 August  
The Hub, Dunedin Campus, 95 Forth Street  
2.30pm – 3.30pm   

This session will be focused on the Polytechnic part of the proposal. There will be a Q+A session.   

Session 2  
Monday 19 August  
The Hub, Dunedin Campus, 95 Forth Street  
2.30pm – 3.30pm   

This session will be focused on the Industry Training Organisation part of the proposal. There will be a Q+A session.   

Please be aware that you must submit your feedback in writing for it to be considered. Submissions can be made via an online form at consultation.education.govt.nz or by emailing VocationalEducation.Reforms@education.govt.nz 

What does this all mean for me?  

Right now, this is only a proposal so unless you want to give feedback, there is nothing you need to do.   

If the changes go ahead as proposed, you are unlikely to notice any major changes in 2025. From 2026, there may be some changes to organisations, but you will be able to complete your programme, and all qualifications will still be recognised.   

If you are an international student, any approved visas and study arrangements will continue, and the courses and qualifications you are enrolled in will continue to be recognised.  

Any questions?  

If you have any questions, please email communications@op.ac.nz and we’ll do our best to answer them with the information we have available.  

Published on 12 Aug 2024

Orderdate: 12 Aug 2024
Expiry: 12 Aug 2026